The Logan Fewtrell Trust
The Logan Fewtrell Trust
In 2023, in memory of our co-founder Jonathan Fewtrell, who died suddenly in 2020 of a heart attack at only 38 years old, we launched The Logan Fewtrell Trust for his son, Logan.

The trust is designed to help support his son, who is now 6. Logan's healing from the trauma of losing his dad at such a delicate age for child development has brought about some challenges, along with his grief, which has necessitated support from a child psychotherapist, who is undertaking Play Therapy with Logan. He has also been supported by a Child Psychologist who has recommended a number of therapeutic approaches to Logan's healing, involving exploring the use of dance, music, art and sport.
Due to the pressures on mental health services, which gives rise to long waiting lists, it has been necessary to seek help privately, which is very costly.
If you would like to make a donation toward's Logan's journey, you can do so during checkout when you buy your tickets.
In the future, we hope to formalise a memorial fund in Jonathan's name that can help support more children and families affected by bereavement.
We are pleased to continue using the York Proms to raise money for a number of charities, including WAY - Widowed & Young, which has been a tremendous help to Jonathan's widow, Rebecca, and Logan.
Thank you for your support.